The Abundance Prayer – The Most Powerful Prayer For Money & Prosperity

by | Feb 10, 2024 | Mantra

Last Updated Feb 2024

Ah, the eternal hustle for cash, the good life, and everything that sparkles—sounds familiar, right? Most of us are stuck on this endless loop, chasing after wealth like it’s going out of style. The kicker? Most folks never really hit the jackpot, no matter how hard they push the boulder uphill. Enter, the abundance prayer!

But here’s a spicy take: grinding isn’t the only recipe for the dough. There’s this secret ingredient called Grace. Yep, without a sprinkle of divine favor, all that sweat might just evaporate, leaving you high and dry.

Now, for the golden nugget: you can actually cultivate this grace! And guess what? The most powerful tool in your arsenal is the right kind of prayer. The Abundance Prayer!.

We’re about to spill the beans on a prayer that’s been making waves, especially on TikTok and among our readers. It’s all about pulling in abundance, and apparently, it’s the real deal. So, buckle up, and let’s get into it.

What Is Abundance Prayer?

Prayer For Abundance

The Abundance Prayer isn’t about rubbing a magic lamp and waiting for a genie to pop out. It’s more like setting your GPS to the destination of “More Please” in various aspects of life—wealth, health, love, peace, you name it.

It’s based on the belief that by asking the universe (or whatever higher power you’re into), you’re opening the door to receive more of the good stuff. It’s about intention, positivity, and, let’s be honest, a bit of hopefulness thrown into the mix.

At its core, the Abundance Prayer is about acknowledging that there’s enough out there for everyone and tapping into that universal supply. It’s like saying, “Hey, I’m here, I’m ready, and I’m open to all the goodies out there.”

But it’s not just about asking, but about feeling grateful for what you already have while being keen on attracting even more. Gratitude is the secret sauce here.

Now without further ado, let’s get to the prayer that has since caused quite the frenzy on TikTok and other social media platforms.

The 4 Sentence Prayer For Abundance And Prosperity

Here is the abundance prayer:

From the Light of God that I Am.

From the Love of God that I Am.

From the Power of God that I Am.

From the Heart of God that I Am.

Let us recite:

I reside in the middle of infinite abundance. The abundance of God is my infinite source.

The River of Life flows endlessly. It flows through us into the lavish expression. The Good comes to me through unexpected sources and God blesses me in a number of ways.

I am now ready to open my mind and receive the good.

Nothing is too good to be true. Nothing is too wonderful to happen. With God as my source, nothing amazes me.

I am no longer burdened by thoughts of the past or the future. One of them is gone and the other is yet to come.

With the power of my belief combined with my fearless, purposeful actions and my reputation with God, my future is made and my abundance is manifested. I accept that I am lifted in this moment and every moment. My mind is quiet.

From today, I give fearlessly and freely into life and life rewards me with magnificent increase.

Blessings come in both expected and unexpected ways. God provides me in wonderful ways.

I am indeed grateful. I wish the same for the goodness of others as well.

How To Pray For Abundance?

Now, onto the how-to part. It’s less about the exact words you use (though there are tons of templates online if you’re looking for inspiration) and more about the vibe you’re putting out there. Here are some casual, off-the-cuff tips:

Abundance Prayer

1) Chill & Get Comfy: Find a quiet spot where you can be all zen without interruptions. You’re about to have a heart-to-heart with the universe, after all.

Finding that perfect spot where the world’s buzz fades into the background is crucial. Think of it as setting the stage for an intimate chat with the cosmos.

Whether it’s a cozy corner of your room, a peaceful spot in a garden, or even a quiet space in your mind, the goal is to minimize distractions.

This is your time to disconnect from the chaos of everyday life and connect with something much larger. Imagine creating a bubble around you, one that’s filled with peace and tranquility, readying you for a profound exchange with the universe.

2) Visualize: Close those peepers and start imagining the abundance you want. Picture it like you’re already living that life. It’s like daydreaming with a purpose.

This step is all about employing the power of your imagination to its fullest. When you close your eyes and visualize, you’re not just daydreaming aimlessly, you’re crafting a vivid and detailed picture of what abundance looks like for you.

Is it a new job, a loving relationship, financial stability, or perhaps a sense of inner peace? Whatever it is, paint it in your mind with bold and vibrant colors.

Feel the emotions, touch the textures, and immerse yourself in this reality as if it’s already yours. This Abundance Prayer process is a powerful magnet for attracting your desires, making them feel attainable and real.

3) Speak or Think It: Whether you whisper, speak, or think your prayer, it’s all good. You could go with something like, “I’m super thankful for all the awesome stuff I have, and I’m ready for even more. Bring it on, universe!”

The actual act of articulating your prayer, whether out loud or in the silence of your mind, is a potent step.

It’s the moment your thoughts and desires transition from the abstract to the tangible. Your words, spoken with sincerity, and intention are like seeds planted in the fertile soil of the universe.

It doesn’t matter if these words are whispered under your breath or loudly proclaimed, what matters is the belief and emotion behind them.

By declaring your gratitude and readiness for more, you’re setting the wheels of the universe in motion, signaling that you’re an active participant in the co-creation of your reality.

4) Gratitude Is Key: Always kick things off with a thank you for what you’ve got. It sets a positive tone and shows you’re not just there to take.

Starting with gratitude is like tuning into the right frequency—it aligns your energy with the energy of abundance. Acknowledging the goodness you already have amplifies your capacity to receive more.

It’s a way of saying, “I see the beauty in my life, and I’m open to more beauty flowing my way.” This isn’t just about being polite, it’s a powerful stance that shifts your focus from lack to abundance, from what’s missing to what’s overflowing.

It transforms your perspective, opening your eyes to the abundance that’s already present and paving the way for more to come.

5) Let It Go: After you’ve put your order in with the universe, let it go. It’s like sending a text and not obsessively waiting for a reply. Trust that the universe got your message and will text back when the time’s right.

This doesn’t mean giving up on your dreams, it means releasing your attachment to the outcome. Just like sending a message out into the world, obsessing over when and how the reply will come can create anxiety and block the flow of energy.

Trusting the universe means having faith that your message has been received and that the response will come at the perfect time and in the perfect way.

It’s about staying open and receptive, without trying to dictate the how and when. Letting go creates the space needed for miracles to unfold, often in ways far better than we could have imagined.

Together, these steps form a powerful practice for inviting abundance into your life. They guide you through setting the stage, envisioning your desires, articulating your prayers, anchoring in gratitude, and finally, releasing your intentions into the universe with trust and openness.

Benefits of Praying For Abundance – What Our Readers Say?

Here are the real-life experiences and effects of the Prayer For Abundance & Prosperity,

Pamela Johnson, Chicago-

A brilliant prayer! Very thankful! A lot of good things have happened in my life since I have started using this prayer. I have gained more opportunities at work, I have won money. I have noticed that it has positive effects on people around me. I love spreading positive vibes around.

Isabella, Arizona –

I have used the abundance prayer in dark times of my life. I believe confidently that I secured a good paying job from this prayer and improved self-belief and confidence. The quality of my life improved from this job. I used the prayer in hard times and abundance came my way unexpectedly. I hope the prayer keeps bringing abundance. It has changed my life and I will be grateful always as it improves the lives of others around me. I wish for the abundance of all.

Jack, Sydney –

This prayer really works. I have used it for two years and I recite it in times of need. I have got unexpected sums of money through this prayer.

Mary Williams, London –

I can assure that the prayer works. I discovered the abundance prayer three years ago online while searching about how to attract money. It was the time I needed help badly. I was getting turned down by every landlord due to my credit. I said this prayer with tears in my eyes and open mind and heart. I was blessed by the prayer and got great news that one family was ready to rent me a house. I recite the abundance prayer two to three times in a day. I am re-married again and my husband loves me a lot. I will never stop saying the prayer. Though I haven’t had any large financial winnings, I have found a lot of peace and help with it.


In a nutshell, abundance prayers are about so much more than just material wealth. They’re a tool for living a richer, more fulfilling life, sprinkled with gratitude, positivity, and a deep connection to the abundance that surrounds us all.

It’s like unlocking a treasure chest where the gold is your improved outlook on life and the jewels are the myriad benefits that come with it.

The tone of this prayer is entirely different from other prayers. It is not just about asking God for prosperity and sitting back to hope that something good will happen. You are declaring to the Universe that you want to receive abundance. If you believe as you recite this prayer of Abundance, be sure to receive the blessings.

Praying for abundance isn’t about being greedy, it’s about opening yourself up to the possibility of more happiness, more love, and more success.

It’s a mix of asking, thanking, and trusting—all shaken up into a mindset cocktail that’s aimed at bringing more positivity into your life. So, give it a whirl! Who knows, you might just find yourself surprised by the abundance that comes your way.



  1. Paul Mark B

    I’ve only just found out about this prayer exactly when I was alone in the room very stressed while you are feeling pressure. I looked for powerful prayer and literally 10 minutes after reading the prayer sincerely with tears in my eyes – a friend sent a message and ready to help. Guess what! More help arrived in the next couple of minutes! I can’t believe that was happening! I am real and if you need me to go on video I will testify.

  2. Thiago Targino dos Santos

    Comment * May prayers be directed to Thiago Targino dos Santos, born on 09/08/1982, so that he can achieve his prosperity goals, such as being included in a millionaire award and achieving many paths to prosperity.



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