Spiritual Meaning of Smelling Smoke – Here Is What It Means?

by | Mar 20, 2024 | Paganism

Have you ever smelt smoke coming from somewhere, often relentlessly, only to discover that there was nothing burning or smoking anywhere in your immediate proximity? While it’s easy to ignore this as a mere delusion, or something created by your mind, there is plenty of literature surrounding the spiritual meaning of smelling smoke, when none seems to be around.

Whether it is smoke from a wood-burning oven, an overheating kettle, or the distinctive odor of cigarettes, when you cannot make out their source, it could very well be your intuition trying to tell you something.

Such an ability, known as ‘Clairalience’ or clear-smelling, is an extensive and deeply fascinating subject. Some are born gifted with this, while others manage to acquire this over time, and over the years, we’ve worked hard to uncover the nuances of this miraculous ability for our readers.

In this article, we deal with the smelling of smoke, different types of them, at uncanny places and times. What they mean for you and those around you? Alongside ways of fine-tuning this gift, so that your mind is perfectly in tune with your intuition and the wonders it brings.

Did You Know?

Dogs, along with several other animals are suspected to be clairalient. Despite having a sense of smell that is 100,000 times more powerful than that of a human, they are also known for picking up on smells that lack any physical presence, driven by sheer intuition.

A Guide To Interpreting Psychic Smells

Those who are gifted with Clairalience can smell things that are too subtle for others to notice or experience. Oftentimes, these scents contain divine information, or messages that when paid attention to, can have a profound impact on an individual’s life.

If you experience a loved one’s signature smell when they’re no longer around, it could be a sign that the person’s spirit is with you, and wants to let you know that they are near you and watching over you.

Similarly, it is also possible to smell fragrances associated with people whom you did not have a good experience with. In this case, spirits might just be trying to warn you, or forcing you to work through certain unpleasant memories from your past.

Smells are also associated with events, places, and situations. For example, millions of people associate the smell of white Toblerone bars with travel, since these bars were originally only sold at airports.

Likewise, what you smell when you are intensely happy, or sad gets etched into your brain, and when the time comes, these smells can pop up out of nowhere, which is largely the creation of your intuition, to either remind you, or bring your attention towards something.

Such gifts are not at all as rare as you think it is, and most people are capable of developing them over time when they start to pay attention. Just be mindful of the smells that come into your life, and start digging deep once you come across something that has no physical justification.

Know that divine spirits and angels regularly try and communicate with people via clairalience, and start communicating more once you start picking up their messages. Being so connected with the divine is truly a powerful gift for spiritual seekers, as well as average individuals.

How To Develop Your Clairalience Abilities?

1. Be mindful of, and pay attention to the smells that come your way during the regular course of each day.

2. Pay extra attention to the sources of the smells, and note down discrepancies, such as when you fail to see any physical source of the smell in question.

3. Dig deeper into what each of the smells invokes inside of you, such as memories, experiences, and emotions.

4. If you are sufficiently mindful, these smells start to reoccur on a regular basis, and their meanings become more and more pronounced in your life.

5. Regularly share, check, and confirm your experiences in online forums and communities, to get a better understanding of what’s happening with you.

What Does Smelling Smoke Spiritually Mean?

Smelling smoke when there’s clearly none around can be quite the head-scratcher. Scientifically termed ‘Phantosmia‘, medical professionals often associate these tendencies with major neurocognitive and psychological abnormalities, to even early signs of a stroke.

Spiritually, however, this is an entirely different ball game, associated with great many things depending on the type of smoke you smell, and a host of other factors. Most importantly, this is a sign or message from worlds beyond our own, conveying things pertaining to our lives and spirituality.

So, if you manage to catch a whiff of smoke, with there being no fire in sight, stop giving into doubts of it all being in your head. Try to embrace the spiritual side of it all for once, because chances are, you will thank yourself for having faith, for this could be the point that fundamentally alters your soul’s journey on this plane.

Each type of smoke, and the situation you find yourself in when you perceive it, comes with its own unique spiritual significance, warnings, messages, or affirmations. Let us explore some common smoke smells, and the various messages they stand to convey.

Spiritual Significance of Smelling Cigarette Smoke

If you smell cigarette smoke when there is clearly no active bud in sight, it could mean several things, depending on your current station in life.

For those who’ve recently lost a loved one who used to smoke, this could mean that they are around you right now, and want their presence to be felt. On the other hand, this could also be a message from other realms, aimed at evoking certain memories and prompting introspection.

Smelling cigarette smoke could also be a warning, not necessarily in a doom-and-gloom way, but a gentle heads-up to start taking care of your health. If you’re stuck in a toxic relationship this might just be the wake-up call you need to get out of it for good.

Cigarette Smoke

So, why exactly do otherworldly messages come in the form of cigarette smoke? This has everything to do with how intertwined cigarettes and their distinct odor have become with our modern psyche, especially for millennials and baby boomers.

Everything from pleasures, joys, and stress relief that comes from a smoke, to the harmful long-term side effects that cause the much dreaded grief and depression in its immediate aftermath, all these emotions remain irrevocable associated with the smell.

Thus, for those of us who’ve been around long enough, the smell of a cigarette, even one that is conjured up by our intuition is capable to evoking a wide range of emotions. As a result, there are few other potent weapons for our higher selves to gain our undivided attention.

Did You Know?

In the 1960s, as much as 42% of Americans smoked on a regular basis, making it one of the most commonly recognized smells among the general populace for decades.

Spiritual Significance of Smelling Incense Smoke

Incense has long been a fixture in spiritual practices across regions and cultures, used for a myriad of different purposes such as to purify spaces, invite divine presence, or to aid in mindfulness and meditation practices.

So, smelling incense smoke without any actual source holds substantial spiritual significance, with the most common interpretation calling it a sign of divine presence, or spiritual awakening.

If you’ve been a regular spiritual practitioner, smelling incense without any source might indicate that your efforts are starting to pay off, and you are headed deeper and further into the spiritual realm.

In addition, the relentless smelling of incense smoke suggests that your spiritual guides and angels are close, offering clarity, peace, and protection.

Smelling Smoke Spiritual Significance

Furthermore, this sensory phenomenon can symbolize the transmutation of desires and the elevation of one’s vibrational state.

Just as incense smoke rises, so too can your thoughts, intentions, and spiritual aspirations ascend to higher realms. It’s a reminder that your spiritual journey is both an inward quest and an upward climb—seeking both the depths of inner wisdom and the heights of universal connection.

This invisible incense can be seen as a signal that your spiritual endeavors are being supported and that the path you’re on is leading you toward enlightenment, and a closer alignment with your highest self.

Spiritual Significance of Smelling Sage Smoke

Sage, like incense sticks is often burned to cleanse spaces, objects, or individuals of negative energies, while promoting healing and wisdom.

If you find yourself smelling sage smoke on a regular basis, with no physical source for the same, be assured that you are being cleansed, both internally and externally. This also indicates that you need to release all of the negative thoughts, feelings, and energies that have been holding you back.

Sage Smoke

The broader spiritual significance of smelling smoke is rich with layers and layers of meaning, encompassing everything from cleansing and healing, to protection and wisdom.

It further serves as a reminder that there are unseen forces at play in our lives, and emphasizes the importance of maintaining a clear, positive, and sacred space within ourselves and our immediate environments.

This often ethereal encounter with the scent of sage invites us to reflect, renew, and realign with our highest selves, while taking the helping hand of Universal energies that guide and protect us over the course of this journey.

Spiritual Significance of Smelling Burnt Toast

The smelling of burnt toast when there is no actual burnt toast can baffle and bewilder those of us who aren’t that spiritually inclined. If you experience this, however, please be assured that it largely signifies something positive, and there is nothing to really worry about.

Burnt toast comes associated with domestic, everyday, and mundane aspects of life, and thus, signifies the need for grounding, alongside warnings of changes ahead.

Smelling Burnt Toast Smoke

Changes are a key part of this smell, and in this case, it mostly highlights certain imbalances in your life getting filled or balanced out. This could personal, professional, spiritual, or health related, but know for a fact that mostly good things are in order.

This smell does, however, prompt receivers to better examine their state and station in life, and ponder over ways in which they are currently being held back. It encourages a recalibration, letting people know that they are being supported no matter how they want to turnaround their lives.

The Burnt Toast Theory

Recently gaining popularity on TikTok, the burnt toast theory states that when you’re forced to redo a toast while hurrying for work in the morning, the lost time could actually help save you from a worse fate, such as a car crash on the way, or a speeding ticket.

Spiritual Meaning of Smelling Chemical Or Unpleasant Smoke

Encountering the smell of chemical or unpleasant smoke, such as burning plastic or rubber, might serve as a spiritual warning.

It could signal a need to pay attention to your surroundings, to toxic situations, or to your health. This scent urges caution and awareness, prompting you to eliminate harmful influences or to cleanse your environment of negativity.

Smelling Unpleasant Smoke

Just as inhaling the fumes from burning plastics can be harmful to your physical health, remaining in toxic situations—whether they involve work, personal relationships, or unhealthy habits—can be detrimental to your spiritual and emotional well-being.

This spiritual sign is nudging you to become more aware of these negative influences and to take actionable steps towards purification and protection of your space and spirit.

Conclusion – Embracing The Message

The key to all intuitive and spiritual gifts is to be mindful and truly experience what is happening in and around you. This is particularly true in the case of clairalience, given how subtle this gift is, but how profound its impact can be, for those who effectively learn to master this art.

The specific scent of smoke acts as a catalyst, urging you to dive deeper into your spiritual practices or to seek out those quiet moments of reflection that often get lost in the hustle of daily life.

Ultimately, these unexplained olfactory experiences can enrich your spiritual journey, offering unique insights and guiding you towards a deeper understanding of your path. They remind us that our senses are not just tools to navigate the physical world but are also gateways to spiritual discovery and enlightenment.

Also, while diving into these interpretations, it’s crucial to remember that personal context is key. Your own experiences, memories associated with the scent of cigarette smoke, and current life situations play a massive role in deciphering what it could mean for you spiritually. And, of course, it’s always wise to rule out the mundane explanations before settling on a spiritual one, just to cover all your bases.



  1. Maria

    My beloved dog passed last Sunday & was cremated. I smelled smoke in my room

  2. Sarah

    @maria I’m so sorry for your loss. Those are hard days. I don’t doubt your experience one bit and I’m sure your sweet dog comes to visit from the rainbow bridge.

    • Zac

      Me and my Spouse were lying in bed and we both smelled a burning smoke smell we both jumped up to check to see if anything was on fire, but everything was fine.?

  3. Phyllis Fafard

    Smell cigarette smoke quite regularly lately in my apart . No smokers in apart beside me n window not open. Previous partner ( alive ) is a smoker. Can he be thinking about me in his dreams ?


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