Sri Subramanya Bhujangam – Meaning & Benefits – Get Rid of Obstacles

by | Aug 20, 2018 | Mantra

Sri Subramanya Bhujangam is a hymn sung to praise Lord Subramanya, the deity existing in Tiruchendur located in the South-Eastern coast of India. It is a stotra composed by Adi Sankara to please the deity. When he meditated Lord Subramanya, he experienced a luminous light shining in his heart and words started coming out of his mouth in a specific Bhujanga metre. The hymn has extensive spiritual exaltation, ecstasy, and piety. It exposes the efficacy of meditation, prayer, and praise of Lord Subramanya. The hymn composed by Adi Sankara has 33 verses and the peculiar metre is known for its sinuous movement resembling that of a serpent. This Stotra is a road connecting the human mind with the eternal ecstasy.

sri subramanya bhujangam lyrics

Subramanya Bhujangam Lyrics

सदा बालरूपाऽपि विघ्नाद्रिहन्त्री
महादन्तिवक्त्राऽपि पञ्चास्यमान्या ।
विधीन्द्रादिमृग्या गणेशाभिधा मे
विधत्तां श्रियं काऽपि कल्याणमूर्तिः ॥१॥

न जानामि शब्दं न जानामि चार्थं
न जानामि पद्यं न जानामि गद्यम् ।
चिदेका षडास्या हृदि द्योतते मे
मुखान्निःसरन्ते गिरश्चापि चित्रम् ॥२॥

मयूराधिरूढं महावाक्यगूढं
मनोहारिदेहं महच्चित्तगेहम् ।
महीदेवदेवं महावेदभावं
महादेवबालं भजे लोकपालम् ॥३॥

यदा संनिधानं गता मानवा मे
भवाम्भोधिपारं गतास्ते तदैव ।
इति व्यञ्जयन्सिन्धुतीरे य आस्ते
तमीडे पवित्रं पराशक्तिपुत्रम् ॥४॥

यथाब्धेस्तरङ्गा लयं यन्ति तुङ्गाः
तथैवापदः सन्निधौ सेवतां मे ।
इतीवोर्मिपंक्तीर्नृणां दर्शयन्तं
सदा भावये हृत्सरोजे गुहं तम् ॥५॥

गिरौ मन्निवासे नरा येऽधिरूढाः
तदा पर्वते राजते तेऽधिरूढाः ।
इतीव ब्रुवन्गन्धशैलाधिरूढाः
स देवो मुदे मे सदा षण्मुखोऽस्तु ॥६॥

महाम्भोधितीरे महापापचोरे
मुनीन्द्रानुकूले सुगन्धाख्यशैले ।
गुहायां वसन्तं स्वभासा लसन्तं
जनार्ति हरन्तं श्रयामो गुहं तम् ॥७॥

लसत्स्वर्णगेहे नृणां कामदोहे
सुमस्तोमसंछत्रमाणिक्यमञ्चे ।
सदा भावये कार्तिकेयं सुरेशम् ॥८॥

रणद्धंसके मञ्जुलेऽत्यन्तशोणे
मनःषट्पदो मे भवक्लेशतप्तः
सदा मोदतां स्कन्द ते पादपद्मे ॥९॥

क्वणत्किङ्किणीमेखलाशोभमानाम् ।
लसद्धेमपट्टेन विद्योतमानां
कटिं भावये स्कन्द ते दीप्यमानाम् ॥१०॥

स्तनालिङ्गनासक्तकाश्मीररागम् ।
नमस्यामहं तारकारे तवोरः
स्वभक्तावने सर्वदा सानुरागम् ॥११॥

विधौ क्ऌप्तदण्डान् स्वलीलाधृताण्डान्
निरस्तेभशुण्डान् द्विषत्कालदण्डान् ।
सदा ते प्रचण्डान् श्रये बाहुदण्डान् ॥१२॥

सदा शारदाः षण्मृगाङ्का यदि स्युः
समुद्यन्त एव स्थिताश्चेत्समन्तात् ।
सदा पूर्णबिम्बाः कलङ्कैश्च हीनाः
तदा त्वन्मुखानां ब्रुवे स्कन्द साम्यम् ॥१३॥

स्फुरन्मन्दहासैः सहंसानि चञ्चत्
कटाक्षावलीभृङ्गसंघोज्ज्वलानि ।
तवालोकये षण्मुखाम्भोरुहाणि ॥१४॥

विशालेषु कर्णान्तदीर्घेष्वजस्रं
दयास्यन्दिषु द्वादशस्वीक्षणेषु ।
मयीषत्कटाक्षः सकृत्पातितश्चेद्
भवेत्ते दयाशील का नाम हानिः ॥१५॥

चलत्कुण्डलश्रीलसद्गण्डभागः ।
कटौ पीतवास करे चारुशक्ति
पुरस्तान्ममास्तां पुरारेस्तनूज ॥१७॥

इहायाहि वत्सेति हस्तान्प्रसार्या_
ह्वयत्यादशच्छङ्करे मातुरङ्कात् ।
समुत्पत्य तातं श्रयन्तं कुमारं
हराश्लिष्टगात्रं भजे बालमूर्तिम् ॥१८॥

कुमारेशसूनो गुह स्कन्द सेना_
पते शक्तिपाणे मयूराधिरूढ ।
पुलिन्दात्मजाकान्त भक्तार्तिहारिन्
प्रभो तारकारे सदा रक्ष मां त्वम् ॥१९॥

प्रशान्तेन्द्रिये नष्टसंज्ञे विचेष्टे
कफोद्गारिवक्त्रे भयोत्कम्पिगात्रे ।
प्रयाणोन्मुखे मय्यनाथे तदानीं
द्रुतं मे दयालो भवाग्रे गुह त्वम् ॥२०॥

कृतान्तस्य दूतेषु चण्डेषु कोपाद्
दहच्छिन्द्धि भिन्द्धीति मां तर्जयत्सु ।
मयूरं समारुह्य मा भैरिति त्वं
पुरः शक्तिपाणिर्ममायाहि शीघ्रम् ॥२१॥

प्रणम्यासकृत्पादयोस्ते पतित्वा
प्रसाद्य प्रभो प्रार्थयेऽनेकवारम् ।
न वक्तुं क्षमोऽहं तदानीं कृपाब्धे
न कार्यान्तकाले मनागप्युपेक्षा ॥२२॥

सहस्राण्डभोक्ता त्वया शूरनामा
हतस्तारकः सिंहवक्त्रश्च दैत्यः ।
ममान्तर्हृदिस्थं मनःक्लेशमेकं
न हंसि प्रभो किं करोमि क्व यामि ॥२३॥

अहं सर्वदा दुःखभारावसन्नो
भवान्दीनबन्धुस्त्वदन्यं न याचे ।
भवद्भक्तिरोधं सदा क्ऌप्तबाधं
ममाधिं द्रुतं नाशयोमासुत त्वम् ॥२४॥

अपस्मारकुष्टक्षयार्शः प्रमेह_
ज्वरोन्मादगुल्मादिरोगा महान्तः ।
पिशाचाश्च सर्वे भवत्पत्रभूतिं
विलोक्य क्षणात्तारकारे द्रवन्ते ॥२५॥

दृशि स्कन्दमूर्तिः श्रुतौ स्कन्दकीर्तिः
मुखे मे पवित्रं सदा तच्चरित्रम् ।
करे तस्य कृत्यं वपुस्तस्य भृत्यं
गुहे सन्तु लीना ममाशेषभावाः ॥२६॥

मुनीनामुताहो नृणां भक्तिभाजां
अभीष्टप्रदाः सन्ति सर्वत्र देवाः ।
नृणामन्त्यजानामपि स्वार्थदाने
गुहाद्देवमन्यं न जाने न जाने ॥२७॥

कलत्रं सुता बन्धुवर्गः पशुर्वा
नरो वाथ नारि गृहे ये मदीयाः ।
यजन्तो नमन्तः स्तुवन्तो भवन्तं
स्मरन्तश्च ते सन्तु सर्वे कुमार ॥२८॥

मृगाः पक्षिणो दंशका ये च दुष्टाः
तथा व्याधयो बाधका ये मदङ्गे ।
भवच्छक्तितीक्ष्णाग्रभिन्नाः सुदूरे
विनश्यन्तु ते चूर्णितक्रौञ्चशौल ॥२९॥

जनित्री पिता च स्वपुत्रापराधं
सहेते न किं देवसेनाधिनाथ ।
अहं चातिबालो भवान् लोकतातः
क्षमस्वापराधं समस्तं महेश ॥३०॥

नमः केकिने शक्तये चापि तुभ्यं
नमश्छाग तुभ्यं नमः कुक्कुटाय ।
नमः सिन्धवे सिन्धुदेशाय तुभ्यं
पुनः स्कन्दमूर्ते नमस्ते नमोऽस्तु ॥३१॥

जयामोघकीर्ते जयानन्दमूर्ते ।
जयानन्दसिन्धो जयाशेषबन्धो
जय त्वं सदा मुक्तिदानेशसूनो ॥३२॥

भुजङ्गाख्यवृत्तेन क्ऌप्तं स्तवं यः
पठेद्भक्तियुक्तो गुहं संप्रणम्य ।
स पुत्रान्कलत्रं धनं दीर्घमायुः
लभेत्स्कन्दसायुज्यमन्ते नरः सः ॥३३॥

Subramanya Bhujangam Stotram & Meaning

Let us see the Stotram in English and the meaning of each of the verses:

Sada balaroopapi vignaadri hantri,
Mahadanthi vakthrapi panchasyamaanya,
Vidheendraadhi mrugya ganesabhidha may,
Vidathaam sriyam kaapi kalyana murthy. 1


I offer my salutations to Lord Ganesha, who always has a child-like form but has the power to destroy mountainous obstacles. Though he has an elephant face, he is most loved by Shiva, the one with five faces. He is sought after by Brahma, Indra, and other Gods. May the merciful Lord is known as Ganesha bless me with prosperity.

Na janaami sabdham , na janaami cha artham,
Na janami padyam, na janami gadhyam,
Chideka shadaasyaa hrudhi dyothathe may,
Mukhanthissaranthe giraschapi chithram. 2


Though I don’t know words, Nor do I know the meanings, I don’t even know the verse or prose, The conscious effulgence of your six faces is there in my heart, And it makes these words pouring forth from my mouth.

Mayurathi roodam Maha vakhya goodam,
Manohari deham, mahaschitha geham,
Mahee deva devam , maha veda bhavam,
Maha deva balam, Bhaje loka palam. 3


I sing the praise of the protector of the world,

Who rides on a peacock,

The one who reflects the meaning of great Vedic sayings,

Who has a pretty mien,

Who lives in the hearts of the spiritual consciousness,

The god of all gods,

The tenor of the Vedas,

The great son of Lord Shiva.

Yada sannidhanaam gatha maanaava may,
Bhavaambhodhi paaram gathaasthe thadaiva,
Ithi vyanjayan Sindhu there ya asthe,
Thameede pavithram Parashakthi puthram. 4


I sing the praise of that pure son of the divine mother Shakti,

The one who says that once somebody comes to my presence,

They have indeed crossed the ocean of the painful everyday life.

Yadabhdhe stharanga layam yanthi thunga,
Sthadivaa pada sannidhou sevathaam may,
Ithivormepankthirnrunaam darsayantham,
Sadaa bhavaye hruthsaroje guham thaam. 5


Just as the huge waves of the sea disappear within it,

The calamities of the devotee who visits his temple disappear,

And so I make the great Lord Subramanya reside in the core of my heart forever.

Girou mannivase nara yea dhirooda,
Sthada parvathe sarvadha thedhirooda,
Itheeva broovan gandha sailathi rooda,
Sa devo mudha may sada Shanmukhosthu. 6


Those who ascend the hills of my abode,

Feel that they have climbed the greatest mountain,

Says the God who lives on the sandal mountain,

And let him offer perennial protection to me.

Mahaabhodhi theere maha papachore,
Muneendranukoole sugandhakhya shaile,
Guhayaam vasantham swabhasa lasantham,
Janaarthim harantham srayamo guham tham. 7


The Guha, the one who steals all sins in the banks of the sea,

Who lives in caves of the sandal mountain,

For the sake of his devotees,

Who shines of his own light,

Who eliminates sorrows of all,

Is being sought of as the refuge.

Lasad swarna gehe nrunaam kaamadhohe,
Sumasthoma sanchanna manikya manche,
Samudhyath sahasrarka thulya prakasam,
Sada bhavaye karthikeyam suresam. 8


I always meditate upon that lord of all Gods,

He who was always looked after by Karthika maidens,

He who fulfills all wishes, who is covered by hills of flowers,

When he sits on his throne of gems, In his residence of gold,

Looks like light coming from thousands of suns.

Ranadwamsake manjule athyantha sone,
Manohari lavanya peeyusha poorne,
Mana shat padho may bhava klesa thaptha,
Sada modathaam skanda they pada padma. 9


Let my bee-like mind burdened with sorrows of life,

Hover round your lotus-like feet,

Adorned by anklets which are beautiful red in color,

Which steal my mind and which are full of the nectar of prettiness.

Suvarnaabha divya ambarair basa maanaam,
Kwanath kinkini mekhala shobhamaanaam,
Lasadhema pattena vidhyotha maanaam,
Katim bhavaye skanda thedeepya maanaam. 10


O Skanda, I meditate on your waist,

That is covered by the golden holy cloth,

That has a belt with tingling bells,

That shines with the lustre of gold.

Pulindesa kanya ghanaa bhoga thunga,
Sthanalingana aasaktha kasmeera ragam,
Namasyanyaham tharakare thavora,
Swa bakthavane sarvadhaa sanuragam. 11


Salutations to the slayer of Tharaka,

You embraced the daughter of the hunter and as a result,

Your chest became red like saffron,

Please extend a similar love towards your devotees.

Vidhow Knuptha dandaan , swaleela druthaandaan,
Nirasthebha sundaan , dwishath kala dandaan,
Hathedraari shandaan , jagat thrana soundaan,
Sadaa they prachandaan , srayee bahu dandan. 12


O Lord Subramanya, I meditate upon your long arms,

That punished Lord Brahma, that created the whole universe,

Those are longer than the elephant’s trunk, that killed the group of Asuras,

Which are like the staff of death for your enemies,

Those are capable of taking care of the world and which are highly powerful.

Sadaa Saradaa shanmugangaa yadisu,
Samudhyantha eva sdithascheth samanthaath,
Sada poorna bimbaa, kalangaischa heena,
Sthadha thwanmukhaanaam bruve skanda samyam.13


If six faces of moonshine continuously,

Rising together and staying side by side,

If they always shine with full brightness and without any spot,

Even then, they would not match your face, O Skanda.

Sphuran manda hasai sahamsaani chanjal,
Kadakshavaleem brunga sangojjwalani,
Sudhasyandhee bimbaadaraneesa soono,
Thavalokaye Shanmukhomburuhaani. 14


O Son of the Lord, I see your six lotus-like faces,

Shining like a fleet of swans, with pretty smiles,

With your long glances, like a group of bees shining with splendor,

And your red lips, with continuously flowing nectar.

Visaaleshu karnanthabheer geshwajasram,
Dayasyandeeshu dwadasasweekshaneshu,
Mayeeshat kadaksha sakrud pathithasched,
Bhavethey daya sheela kaa naama hani. 15


From your long, large eyes extending till ears,

From which compassion pours forth continuously,

Those twelve eyes, if once cast their glance on me,

What loss will it cause to you, O my merciful Lord?

Sudhangothbhavo may asi jeevethi shadsa,
Japan mantrameeso mudha jigrathe yaan,
Jagad bhaara brudhbhyo jagannatha thebhya,
Kireetojjwalebhyo namo masthakebhya. 16


O Lord of the universe,

I salute to those six heads adorned with shining crowns,

Kissed by Lord Shiva, With a joyful prayer of six times,

That the child born out of him should live forever.

Sphurad rathna keyoora haaradhi rama,
Schalath kundala sree lasad ganda bhaga,
Katou peetha vasa, kare charu shakthi,
Purasthan mamasthaam puraresthanuja. 17


I bow down to the Lord who is the son of the destroyer of Tripura,

The one who shines with garlands of gems,

The one with pretty cheeks on which the ear studs play,

The one wearing yellow silk on the waist,

And the one holding a pretty spear,

I request you to appear before me.

Ihayaahi vathsethi hasthou prasarya,
Hyayathya darachchangare mathurangath,
Samuthpathya thatham srayantham kumaram,
Haraslishta gathram bhaje bala moorthim. 18


I salute to that child Subramanya ran out of his mother’s lap,

When his father called him ‘come my darling son’,

By extending his arms and you embraced him, O Kumara.

Kumaresa soono, Guha, skanda, senaa,
Pathe shakthipane mayooradhi rooda,
Pulindathmaja kantha bhaktharthi haarin,
Prabho , tharakare , sada Raksha maam thwam. 19


O the son of the Lord of the universe,

O God dwelling in the cave of my heart,

O Skanda, O the chief of the army of gods,

The one who carries the holy spear, the one who rides on a peacock chariot,

The beloved of the hunter’s daughter, the destroyer of devotees’ sins,

O Lord who is the enemy of Tharakasura, I ask for your protection forever.

Prasanthendriye , nashta samgne, vicheshte,
Kaphod gari vakthre , bhayath kambhi gathre,
Praynayan unmughe, mayyanadhe thadaneem,
Drutham may dayalo bhavagre guha thwam. 20


During my old age, when all my senses would have calmed down,

When I will lose my consciousness and lie motionless,

When my throat will be filled with phlegm,

When my body will shiver out of fear, And my soul will prepare to depart,

O Lord, at that time, please come to me quickly,

Because I want to be in your presence, O compassionate Lord.

Kruthanthasya dhootheshu chandeshu kopaa,
Ddaha Chindi bhindeethi maam tharjayadsu,
Mayooram samaruhyamaa bhaireethi thwam,
Pura shakthi panir mama yahi seegram. 21


When the fierce messengers of the God of Death will shout angrily,

‘Burn him, Tear him into pieces, Cut him’,

O Lord, Please come swiftly on your peacock,

Armed with the holy spear and assure me to not fear.

Pranamya sakruth padayosthe padhithwa,
Prasadhya prabho prarthane aneka veeram,
Na Vakthum kshmo aham thadaneem krupabdhe,
Nea Karanthakale maagapyupekshaa. 22


I fall at your feet right now and salute you,

I pray and salute you for several times,

For during that time, I may not have the strength to speak,

O compassionate Lord, do not forsake me during the end of my life.

Sahasranda bhoktha thwaya soora nama,
Hathastharaka simha vakthrascha daithya,
Mamantha hrudistham mana klesa mekam,
Na hamsi , prabho kim karomi, kwa yami. 23


You killed Soorapadma, the one who ruled over thousands of universes,

You destroyed Tharaka and the lion-faced Asura,

But you are not bothered about one worry in my mind,

O Lord, what should I do, Where should I go?

Aham sarvadha Dukha baravasanna,
Bhavan dheena bandhusthwadanyam nay ache,
Bhavat bakthi rodham, sadha knuptha baadham,
Mamadhim drutham nasayo umasutha thwam. 24


I am always drowned in sorrows,

You are the friend of those who are helpless and so I request nobody else,

O the son of Uma, please destroy my deepest sorrows,

Which always trouble me and interfere with my devotion for you.

Apasmara , kushta, kshayarsa prameha,
Jwaronmadhagulmaadhi rogo mahantha,
Pisachascha sarve bhavath pathra bhootheem,
Vilokya kshanaa tharakare dravanthe. 25


Epilepsy, leprosy, tuberculosis, constipation, fever, diabetes and madness,

And other diseases which are veneral and evil spirits troubling me,

Vanish in no time seeing the ash contained in your leaf,

O enemy of formidable Taraka, they hasten and run away instantly.

Drusi skanda murthy sruthou skanda keerthir,
Mukhe may pavithram, sada thacharithram,
Kare thasya kruthyam , vapusthasya bruthyam,
Guhe santhu leena mamaa sesha bhavaa. 26


Let my eyes always see the glory of Skanda,

Let my ears always hear the holy story of Skanda,

Let my mouth always tell the sacred story of Skanda,

Let my hand be always engaged in works of Skanda,

Let my body always be the servant of Skanda,

And let my actions always be devoted to Skanda.

Muneenamuthaho nrunaam bhakthi bhaja,
Mabeeshtapradhaa santhi sarvathra deva,
Nrunamanthya janam api swartha dane,
Guha deva manyam na jane na jane. 27


For all great sages and all great devotees,

There are many gods who fulfill their wishes,

But no God except Lord Subramanya,

Satisfies the wishes of the lowest birth devotees.

Kalthram suthaa bandhu vargaa pasurvaa,
Nari vaadha naaree gruhe yea madheeya,
Yajantho namantha sthuvantho bhavantham,
Smaranthascha they santhu sarva kumara. 28


Let my wife, children, relatives, and animals,

Men and women who stay at my house,

Let them all worship you, salute, sing your praise and meditate you,

For always, O Kumara.

Mruga pakshino damsaka ye cha dushtaa,
Sthadha vyadhayo bhadahakaa ye madange,
Bhavaschakthi theeshnagra binna sudhoore,
Vinasyanthu they choornitha krouncha saila. 29


Salutations to the one who powdered the Krouncha mountain,

Please use your holy spear with the sharp edge,

To break and destroy the animals,

Birds and insects causing harm to my body.

Janithri pithaa cha swaputhra aparadham,
Sahethe na kim deva senathinadha,
Aham cha athi balo, Bhavan loka thatha,
Kshmaswaparadham samastham mahesa. 30


O Lord who is the chief of the army of devas,

Won’t a father pardon his sons for mistakes?

Since I am a small kid and you are the father of the world,

Please pardon all my faults.

Nama kekine sakthaye chaapi thubhyam,
Nama chaga thubhyam, nama kukkudaya,
Nama sindhave sindhu desaya thubhyam,
Nama skanda murthe, punasthe namosthu. 31


Salutations to your peacock, salutations to your holy spear,

Salutations to your sheep, Salutations to your rooster,

Salutations to your temple by the seaside,

Salutations to you, again and again, O Skanda, Salutations to your beautiful form.

Jayananda bhuman jyapaara dhaman,
Jayamogha keerthe, jayananda murthe,
Jayananda sindho jayasesha bandho,
Jaya thwam sada mukthi danesa soono. 32


Victory to the source of happiness, Victory to the infinite light,

Victory to your boundless fame, Victory to the one whose form is an embodiment of bliss,

Victory to the ocean of bliss, Victory to the unbounded friendship,

Victory to you, the son of the God granting salvation.

Bhunjangakhya vruthena knuptham sthavam ya,
Padeth bhakthi yuktho guham sampranamya,
SA puthraan kalathram dhanam deergam ayur,
Llabeth skanda sayujyamanthe nara sa.


The one who worships this hymn with great devotion obtains desired results. By reciting these verses written in Bhujanga style, one is blessed with a good mate, sons, long life, wealth and in the end, attain unity with Skanda.

Sri Subramanya Bhujangam Benefits

The hymn composed by Adi Sankara addressing Lord Subramanya is considered to be the eulogy of extraordinary merit. The poem itself holds the hope that the devotee who chants it regularly with devotion would win the grace of the Lord Subramanya and be blessed with a life of plenty, prosperity and final beatitude.

Through this hymn, Sankara intends to guide every seeker to the eternal realization, the ultimate purpose of human existence. The hymn reveals the glory, infinity, and splendor of Subramanya.

Sri Subramanya Bhujanga is considered to be effective for diseases and physical ailments. It also brings joy, prosperity, and happiness in one’s life.

Sri Subramanya Bhujanga is a highly powerful stotra that, if recited on a regular basis with faith and devotion, can remove all obstacles from life and get you the Lord’s blessings to have a peaceful, plentiful, joyful life. I hope this post helped you understand the meaning and importance of the hymn. Practice it on a regular basis to please Lord Subramanya and ask him for protection.





  2. Durga devi

    Lord Sunraamya Nhujamga sthotram is it enough to gain his blessimgs


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