How to Choose Religious Educational Material for Children

by | May 10, 2021 | Others

There are various important institutions that make up society. One very crucial aspect is the family. It can even be said to be at the very core of the society as ideally, everyone comes from or has a family that they belong to.

Another crucial aspect of society is as it concerns faith or religious beliefs. Here in the west, the influence of Judeo-Christian principles holds strong. These principles and beliefs have been very important in the shaping of society’s values and most especially moral beliefs until in recent times when other factors came into play.

It is important to note that religious beliefs also affect how a family unit functions and structures its activities. This is done by ensuring that family members especially the growing ones are taught Christian religious principles. One way to do this is by exposing them to educational Christian materials.

What Are Religious Educational Materials?

These refer to literature that espouses the doctrines, traditions, and beliefs of a particular religion. The aim of such literature is to better educate an adherent of the particular religion of its tenets and principles and to inform an outsider (that is a non-believer in the religion) on what the religion is all about. You can read more on this here.

Is Religious Education Important?

In the world today, there is an ever-increasing questioning and even resentment to the teaching of or even the discussion of religion of any type in the public space. This is a view that is very predominant and is even currently being enforced to some degree in western countries. Many people seem to think of religion as a relic of the past that has no bearing in the civilized world today and thus, should be relegated to the background.

However, this is a wrong view. And the reason is that, whether you believe in or practice a certain religion or not, we live in multi-ethnic societies these days and for individuals to have a broader understanding of life and people, they have to understand the principles that guide them.

This doesn’t necessarily mean that one should go study all available religions, especially if there is no appetite for it rather, at the very least, people should be able to discuss their beliefs in public. You can find out more at

Why Should Parents Choose Religious Materials for their Children?

It Is the Role of Parents In the Christian Home

The Christian manual which is the bible lays out the duties of parents over their children which is to train or raise them up in the fear of God. This means that they should be raised up in such a way that they do not just understand the bible but that they believe it also. This does not usurp their other parental roles that include; providing shelter, food, strong emotional support, good education, and taking care of their health needs.

To Inculcate In them the Right Christian Values

Generally, parents raise their children in ways that they believe is best for them which in this case means the Christian way. These values are also important in the child’s upbringing as it influences their social attitudes and how they will be able to function in the society. Some of these Christian values include

  • An understanding of what true service means, both to God and to the society
  • To have a thankful attitude and disposition
  • To be compassionate in dealings with others
  • To be creative in facing various life situations and challenges
  • To be fair and just in dealings with others
  • To have endurance so as to survive and overcome difficult times
  • To as much as it is possible, live at peace with everyone
  • To walk in wisdom in all dealings

Until a child attains the age of majority, such a child is under the care of the parents or a guardian. The guardian in fulfilling the duty on the ward takes decisions on behalf of the ward or child that are in the best interest of the child. Thus, aside from it being a moral duty of parents to take care of a child and to raise them in the way they know best, it is also a legal duty.

Things To Note When Choosing Religious Material For Your Children

Christian Religious Educational Material for Children

When it comes to choosing the right religious educational material for children, there is a need for you to be careful as there are a lot of materials out there that might be Christian but which you do not agree with. The following are to serve as a guide in this direction:

Make the Bible Your Foundation

The bible is the basis that you should start from. Make a habit of reading it to them and teaching them what the point of it is all about. Be patient in listening to and answering their questions. Also, you can buy a children’s bible for those who can read.

Know the Bible Yourself

To be able to teach or guide one through biblical principles, you have to know those principles yourself. This is to say that parents should be able to know enough of the bible so as to be able to teach it to their young ones. And this knowledge can only be gotten from reading it for yourself.

Get Educational Christian Materials for them

There are various Christian literature stores both off and online like worship woodworks that you can visit to get good Christian literature for them. As their guardian, you have to check those materials to ensure that the principles taught in them align with the bible.

Get them Involved In Sunday School

Another way to get them to be taught good Christian values is to get them to join Sunday school. Here, they are able to learn with their peers in an environment that is most conducive for them.


Children bring joy to the family. The primary duty of taking care of them lies with their parents and as anyone with kids knows, it is no little task. However, it is a task that should be done with full commitment.

The need to teach them the right values that you believe in is as important as providing for your children. As a Christian, this means teaching them biblical principles.   



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